Amra Bergman | designer | Designerin | portrait | photo by Klemens Horvath

This is Amra Bergman, a great Stage designer, costume designer and fashion designer working and living in Vienna. We are long-time friends and I loved to take the portraits of her. I remember even taking some snapshots at the presentation of her final project at the university Bildende Künste in Vienna … The portrraits of Amra here were part of a story about her actual work, especially of the wonderful scenery of a very huge angel standing over the whole stage at the opera Tosca in St. Margarethen Steinbruch. You can see the face of the angel in the background. Location: Arsenal in Vienna while producing the scenery. Amra also designed the great angel scenery at the Live-Aid-Ball 2017. And besides, she also designs her own fashion line and you should definetely visit her at flagship-boutique in 1010 Vienna Singerstrasse 8.